
Showing posts from January, 2018

supermoon, blood moon and total lunar eclipse

January's supermoon is actually the second of three back-to-back supermoon full moons to come in the next two months. Supermoon is actually the largest size of moon seen from earth , It is appears when moon is closest to the earth .In this year the supermoon or full moon can appears two times and it is first time that it can seen two time in one month ie january 2018. This supermoon also called as blood moon because it is seems to be redish in color . This supermoon seems redish because it is total lunar eclipse. In total lunar eclipse occurred when sun, earth and moon are on same line. so that earth is on middle. So that red hot light of sun reflected from earth .So it cause red blood moon . You can enjoy this very rare view on nasa official site .

supermoon, blood moon and total lunar eclipse

January's supermoon is actually the second of three back-to-back supermoon full moons to come in the next two months. Supermoon is actually the largest size of moon seen from earth , It is appears when moon is closest to the earth .In this year the supermoon or full moon can appears two times and it is first time that it can seen two time in one month ie january 2018. This supermoon also called as blood moon because it is seems to be redish in color . This supermoon seems redish because it is total lunar eclipse. In total lunar eclipse occurred when sun, earth and moon are on same line. so that earth is on middle. So that red hot light of sun reflected from earth .So it cause red blood moon . You can enjoy this very rare view on nasa official site .

Daily word list

Word list We are provide you daily word list with comprehensive analysis   of daily newspapers . This word list is very helpful for your upcoming competitive examinations as well as in your daily life conversation .Read this daily word list with gap a day so that you are always in touch with English language . This word list is with their word meaning and also their synonyms   so that with this daily few words you also see their related meaning words .I hope you can learn daily so that you are confident whenever you can see this words in front of you. 1) Underpin:- To support from below, strengthen. 2) Folklore:- (folk-lore) The traditional beliefs, customs, community stories that can posses from One generation to another generation by word of mouth, mythology , lore. 3) Pegging: - Fix, hold down, keep down, set , hold peg. 4) Arraign:- (Er-eyn) Indict, prosecute, call or bring before a court to answer a criminal charge, put on trail, take to court. Anti: Discharge, Acquit...

Daily word list

Word list We are provide you daily word list with comprehensive analysis   of daily newspapers . This word list is very helpful for your upcoming competitive examinations as well as in your daily life conversation .Read this daily word list with gap a day so that you are always in touch with English language . This word list is with their word meaning and also their synonyms   so that with this daily few words you also see their related meaning words .I hope you can learn daily so that you are confident whenever you can see this words in front of you. 1) Underpin:- To support from below, strengthen. 2) Folklore:- (folk-lore) The traditional beliefs, customs, community stories that can posses from One generation to another generation by word of mouth, mythology , lore. 3) Pegging: - Fix, hold down, keep down, set , hold peg. 4) Arraign:- (Er-eyn) Indict, prosecute, call or bring before a court to answer a criminal charge, put on trail, take ...