english vocb
Daily vocabulary
Idyllic :: very peaceful , Happy and Enjoyable.
Eg: He had an Idyllic childhood.
An Idyllic retreat in the countryside.
Insofar as :: To the extent as degree that.
Eg: The news is good insofar as it suggests that a solution may be possible.
Ethos :: The guiding beliefs of a person or Organization.
Eg: The company made environmental awareness part of its business ethos.
Conciliate :: To make someone more friendly or less angry.
Eg: The Company's attempts to conciliate the strikers have failed .
Refrain :: To Stop yourself from doing something that your want to do.
Eg: I was going to make a Joke but I refrained.
Melodramatic :: Extremely dramatic or emotional.
Corroborate :: To support or help prove by providing information or evidence.
Eg: My personal experience does not corroborate your faith in the essential goodness of people.
Conduit :: Someone or something that is used as a way of sending something from one place to another.
Insurgent :: A person who fights against an established government as Authority.
Decorum : : A correct or proper behaviour that show respect and good manners.
Perceive :: To Notice or become aware of something.
Affable :: Being Pleasant and at ease in talking to others.
Paucity :: A small amount of something , An amount that is less than what is needed.
Ghetto :: The Poorest part of a city.
Rebuke :: To Speak in an Angry and critical way to someone , Criticize Sharply.
Underdog :: A less powerful person or team that struggles against a more powerful person or team.
Tweak :: To change something slightly in order to improve it ie. To Make small adjustment.
Insomnia :: The condition of not being able to sleep.
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