daily word list
Word list
We are provide you daily word list with comprehensive analysis of daily newspapers . This word list is very
helpful for your upcoming competitive examinations as well as in your daily
life conversation .Read this daily word list with gap a day so that you are always
in touch with English language . This word list is with their word meaning and
also their synonyms so that with this
daily few words you also see their related meaning words .I hope you can learn
daily so that you are confident whenever you can see this words in front of
1) Plight:-Difficult , unfortunate situation , Dangerous.
2) Condominium:- (Kan-do-mi-ne-am) A building or complex of
building containing a number of individually owned apartment or houses.
3) Jolt( jolt):- To surprise or shock someone, jerk ,wobble,
4) Stoic:- A person who accepts what happens without
complaining or showing emotion.
5) Ephemeral :- Lasting a very short time, brief, Flash ,
6) Pithy:- using few words in a claver and effective way, crisp
, succinct, laconic.
7) Jiffy:- Instant , very brief time.
8) Astute( As-tut)
mentally sharp or clever.
9) Queer:- Not quite well ,ill, nauseous , Suspicious .
10) Effigy:- An image of a person.
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